Posted in Project 2

Idea 2

i am planning on creating a website for a group i go to. The group is called the umbrella club. The change is about the change in understanding of hidden disabilities

in the website i will include photography and digital designs as well as videos from the group

Posted in Project 2

Idea Generation

Dylan Genovay

Game Synopsis

Boardom The Boredgame

My board game is a tabletop game about boredom. In my game the base of the game is to get your opponent to 50 points of boredom. To achieve this you will use certain cards and action cards that will aid you in achieving victory. In the design of my game Uno and Cards Against Humanity were two big factors of the design as i used the boring demeanour of Cards Against Humanity and the game mechanics of Uno

This look sort of look would give me a boring feeling that i was aiming for as my game is based on boredom so my aesthetics would have to match the description of the game.

My core audience for my board game are 16 to 18 year old students in either collage or school as in this time of their life is the most boring time so this game will apply to them. The gender will be any gender for the game,

I achieved this by searching up different boring fonts then making a table where people chose the most boring font and the top fonts that were most boring i used

In my prototyping for my tabletop game i asked many friends and classmates about the design and functionality of my game. They said it had a boring look to the game which was my ideal goal and they told me that the rules don’t add up or make sense. So with the constructive criticism i re-designed the rules so that they made sense

Posted in Project 2

Ideas from table top gaming:


My first idea was to create a board game that is focused around boredom, this game uses certain action cards and a system where cards would add and subtract boredom, the aim of the game was to get the opponent to 50 points of boredom. This game would be for ages 16-18 because of them being in college or school and thats the most boring part of life

With designing my own tabletop game i will take a look at many other games for inspiration. This can help me figure out different game mechanics and other artistic looks and aesthetics for my board game


Uno is a simplistic and family friendly card shedding game. The game can be played with 2 to 10 players which can lead to diverse matches, the game Uno also consists of various action cards which help the player win these include (+2, wild card, +4 wild card, skip and a reverse card ) the idea of Uno is the person with no cards remaining wins.

Cards Against Humanity:

Cards Against Humanity is a party game that uses the fill in the blank style of gameplay, this style can lead to very comical moments during the game. The game is a 6 to 10 player game this means that the games are not short lived. This game uses a card system where if the Caesar chooses your card than you win said card then the caesar rotates the next round, you first draw 10 white cards and the caesar would draw a black card then you would decide which card would be funnier so you could win the black card. You can either play till a player has a certain amount of black cards or until your all bored.

Both of these board games have helped me with my board game as i incorporated many aspects of both games into my own with the uses of action cards and with the boring demeanor as that’s a main aspect of my board game.

Posted in Project 2

Game Testing and Prototyping.

Game name: Boardom The Boredgame

today i tested my board-game with the others on my table. This helped as i got to play the game and see if there is any flaws in the game, this was the case as some of the rules were not explained properly and the game mechanics are not efficient.

with this knowledge i can define and adjust my board-game to fix these problems

to fix these flaws i start to re-word the instructions so that they’re more understandable.

i’ve also gathered feedback to help understand the ups and down of what went wrong with my game this includes the style of the cards and the instructions of the game. This helped me with my re-design of my cards as they told the that there wasn’t a set theme with the cards, this allows me to re-design the cards for a more ideal appearance but also keeping the boring demeanour, i done this by using in-design and illustrator. This includes shrinking the size of the numbers and increase the size of the photo representing the boredom. This will help by better understanding the purpose of the cards as the cards will have short descriptions of what the cards will do.

with this information i proceeded to change the design of the rules so that people would be able to understand them more better

New Instructions

following the new changes and improvements i’ve made for my board game which now allows the game to play more smoothly. I was given feedback from other class members this gave me the advice and knowledge to help me re-write my instructions

My mind map of my board game.
Posted in Project 2

Podcast Planning

Technical aspects

  • microphones
  • Headphones
  • Video Recorder
  • Cables

Layout of podcast

  • [intro] 00-00 – 01:00
  • [Review Dylans game] 01:00 – 02:30
  • [Review Callum’s game] 02:30 – 04:00
  • [Review Josh’s game] 04:00 – 05:30
  • [Review Presley’s game] 05:30 – 07:00
  • [Overview] 07:00 – 08:30

Posted in Project 1


In this evaluation I’m going to tell you about what I’ve done for my advertisements. This will be a descriptive analysis of my target audience this will include how we first discovered how to use and effectively create an advert, the brand for our advertisement and why we chose that brand, how we used a website to create a mind map to layout our advertisements, our target audiences. age and why I chose said age, there psychographic and their whereabouts, target locations for the photoshoots, how I’ve edited the photos using Photoshop, InDesign, etc throughout this creative process.